Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back from a hiatus

It's been a while since my last post. Don't really know why I haven't but it's probably because I watch Euro2008 football at nights after the kids are down. It's been a fun tournament, although my underdog team, Croatia, screwed themselves against Turkey. I am still stunned at how Croatia lost the game literally in the last minute. It really sucked! I was up until 3am last night just being brooding.

We had a great morning today. Nice hearty breakfast and off to the playground with the kids. FoML1 is really a happy kid and I love watching her play with others. She's feeling more at ease with her English and can keep up a decent conversation. FoML2 is still doing a great impersonation of a sack of basmati. I've been trying to get her to stand on surfaces other than her dad. She actually planted both feet on the park bench today. I'm calling that progress even if it lasted less than a minute.

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