Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Best laugh I've had in months

Someone sent me this video and I had to watch it several times to get the whole thing, but it is hilarious. I am not talking about the actual events on the screen but the voiceovers. I can actually see this happening somewhere in Glendale. The scene being Movses Bakery on Glenoaks makes it that much more real. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weekend @ Bernie's

This past weekend I had the kids all to myself. MLW was out of town and there was anxiety as to whether I could handle them by myself. Basically, I had:
  • Friday drop-off and pick-up
  • Saturday Soccer
  • Sunday ... ummm, something

    My anxiety was mostly about Sunday. If there's a plan, I can rally the troops and pass the time until/after the event. But when I have to come up with the activity ....

    Glad to report that all went well. Even Sunday was a breeze, because the girls didn't want to leave the house. PERFECT! Walk around in PJ's all day, eat, play together, no problem. A little snag, when dad goes stir crazy in the afternoon and needs to leave the house.

    So I finally coaxed them out with promise of ice cream "because they were bari/pari". We go to Montrose and have our ice creams (coffee for me), draw pictures, play with straws, etc. Basically, half an hour of me just sitting on my ass and them playing nicely in the store. Then we walk back to the car, cross the parking lot, climb into the car, then S says "peepee ouneem". Now, I'm trying to determine/negotiate whether she can hold it until we get home. No go.

    So we climb out, cross the parking lot, and get back into the store. Bathroom's in the back and at least it's clean and large. S pees, while G stands there without touching anything! Amazing!!! Buuuut, when S is done, G wants to sit and pee. Mind you, she's 2 and isn't potty trained, but she has to copy everything, and there's no way I can talk her out of it. I got her situated on the seat and she pees her 3cc's of "yeah, das right. I can pee" pee.

    As I said, no major issues. Just a little frustrating when you have this plan in your head and don't get to do it on your timetable. I have learned to just go with the flow. Do I care if G wants to pee, too? No. Are we late for something? No. Is she going to hurt herself by peeing? No, unless she falls in the toilet (which would be funny).

    Very boring story, but I wanted to get back in to the blogging groove. I hope to spice it up a little more soon.
  • Friday, September 11, 2009

    Lost, again!

    So I got caught up on Lost, all the way to the beginning of Season 5. I figured I could watch the episodes on BUUUUUT, they don't have ALL the episodes from season 5 on their site; only the last few of the season.
