Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of (pre) school

With great anticipation we welcomed September 2nd, the first day of school for S. We were running late so we skipped the bus and took a cab to get to school exactly at 9. Imagine our surprise when the Director of admissions tells us "you're too early". Apparently, one of the 239 mailings we received over the summer was the schedule for the first 3 days. As it turns out, we were not the only parents who had not gotten the mailing.

So we had to kill about 1.5 hours AND it was only a 30 minute session for kids to get acclimated. Granted our S has been attending summer camp and has no separation anxiety, but is this type of thing really necessary? 30 minutes yesterday, then 1 hour today, with the official first day of class being Thursday. Whatever, this is a Montessori school and I'll go along with it.

What really got to me was the way they "welcomed" us as first year student/parents. Their attitude of "you're early", "you should have gotten it", "the letter is somewhere in the pile of letters while you were away". Basically, it was our fault that we did not get the mailing and showed up early.

As I read this, it sounds whiney. This is my blog so I can whine if I want.

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