Friday, July 24, 2009

Yo quiero sanity

It is the summer of celebrity deaths. It started about a month ago and it has not relented, much like the heat in LA. Ed, Farrah, MJ, then it was off to the animals; Billy :P Most recently the chihuahua from the Taco Bell commercials.

What the hell is going on? Don't we have enough newsworthy events in the world that the death of a rat-dog makes the cut at NPR? Yes, everyone needs a little human interest story now and again to feel grateful about our lives. As MLW says every time there's news of sick children/people, "eencher gahn". But I don't need news of a dead rat-dog to make me feel good.

So NPR, please stick with Susan Stamberg reporting on really stupid human interest stories - and I can't believe she was anchoring Morning Edition for all that time - and leave the animal deaths to Fox (no pun intended).

Don't get me started on Susan Stamberg. Story for another time.

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