I was downloading the digital camera pix into Picasa today and came across some pictures from this winter. As I'm getting ready for my knee surgery (T-3 days)
First, I had the opportunity to pass along to my offspring an activity that I enjoy. I hope this becomes a family thing for us, them, and their children. Some families get into golfing, fishing, camping, vegging in front of the TV, or flying kites. I want us to tbe the skiing family. "Look at that skiing family over there. They are such ... skiers." I've decided that I'm keeping the ski gear that I got S this winter. She'll probably get another season's use out of both the boots and the skis, then it'll be G's turn. Like it or not, she'll be strapping on skis and sliding down that hill.
Although the skis that you see in these pictures are not the ones I'm keeping. These orange ones were the rentals we got from McAfee's Ski & Snowboard on the first day out. The ones she used for the rest of the season were from Ski Barn in Wayne, NJ and they're brand new; both boots and skis. They didn't have her size boots and skis in the rental department, so they pulled new Rossignols ones and gave it to me for the lease program. The boots match the skis with pink hearts and bears and flowers. A total ski bunny package for S. Gotta love it. In a few years, she's going to kick my ass down the steeps and will be waiting at the lift with this "what took you so long, old man" grin on her face. All I know is head to head on a straightaway, I can still go faster than her. I have an advantage that she's unlikely to match: I weight more than she does.
Second, the time we (as a family) invested in doing the activity was worthwhile. Although on a couple of occasions the total ski time was far less then travel time, I enjoyed spending time as a family. We logged a dozen or so hours with the kids in the back, MLW as my co-pilot, and me, the man of the family, at the wheel; speeding down the highways of New Jersey, listening to the sounds of snoring from all three sides, with my trusty cup o' joe getting us safely back to Manhattan.
Third, although we live in an urban environment and love it, I enjoy getting out in the country. The cold mountain air is exhilarating and calming at the same time. It's my version of nicotine. I am a green person at heart and want to make sure that there will be ski areas and snow for my kids when they grow up. I'm hoping that by seeing what we now have, they will also work to preserve it and enjoy it when they are my age.
So, I'm being a little nostalgic here, but it's my blog and I can say whatever I want. If I want I can even say Sheboygan, just like that.
1 comment:
lovely blog
nice pics too
thanks for coming over to the park yesterday and of the great cupcakes
love arpi
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