Saturday, May 10, 2008

Another thing we'll miss about New York

We just got back from J and H's. It was a lovely time. The kids played very well together and nobody got hurt. Not even the adults; although J and I may be feeling the hurt of the 4 beers that we had tonight. We are such light-weights!!!

Tomorrow being mothers' day and all, we both will have our hands full with the kids, I'm sure. If both moms decide to do some alone time activity -- MLW for sure has asked that I give her a day off as a mothers day present and by golly she's going to get exactly what she asked for -- J and I may get together for some playground time in Central Park.

We really enjoy getting together with J and H. They are great people and are easy to hang with. We can sit around for hours and talk about nothing in particular, while the kids play around us. I'm sure if the kids were at it all the time, I would feel differently.

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