[Sidenote: 3 hours have passed since I finished the above paragraph. As I was typing "still sleeping", I heard stirring from the girls room on the monitor.]
If you have not had the "pleasure" of riding the NYC subway on a weekend, I invite you to take part in this form of masochism. During the week, the subway is the lifeline of the city, but on weekends it turns into a mess of confusion. The poorly posted and unclear signs join the chorus of garbled announcements to drive you nuts. Just to cut this short, I took the 1 train which on any given day is supposed to take you, albeit very slowly, to South Ferry. Having trekked down to John and Hera's on 14th street last night, I knew the 2 and 3 are running local to Chambers St. I figured I can take any one and change at Chambers to the 1 train.
So the first train was the 1, which we took. We switched to the 3 at 14th St to Chambers, because of construction. At no time during the 45 minute trip from 96th Street to Chambers Street did I see a sign, hear an announcement, nor did I get a psychic vibe that THERE IS NO #1 SERVICE TO SOUTH FERRY. We had to get on a shuttle bus at Chambers to South Ferry. All in all, it wasn't that bad, but the whole going up and down steps with S, who insists on walking, by herself, unassisted, holding the grimy handrail was a bit tiring.
The Ferry ride was very nice and S did get a kick out of getting on a "boat" and seeing the SoL. We had snacks on board and even G had some formula. We did the roundtrip on the same boat and this time we sat on the lower level at an open window. You can see the SoL at the top of the B on S's Red Sox cap.

Much easier to get back on the 5 train. We even helped some tourists form Prague get to Chinatown.
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