Many parents of 6 month old babies can relate to this scenario: Your child is ready for solids and you begin by giving her rice cereal. This results in happy & proud parents, new experience for your baby, and often, constipation for your 6 month old. So for the next few days she pushes and squeezes that lump out of poop out. In the mean time parents are conflicted about feeding more solids for a growing baby and watching the poor thing struggle with digesting the cereal. You give her water, prune juice, and perhaps laxatives to help her out of the predicament.

The good folks at
Earth's Best Organic, have come up with the perfect solution:
Prunes with Oatmeal! What a great idea. Now you can feed your baby the oatmeal and counteract its unwanted side-effects. These guys are true MBA marketeers. Never has a company capitalized on such cross-over promotion. First you make a name for yourself an organic cereal company and then spin-off a product that helps you sell more of your products. This is on par with Mary Tyler Moore/Rhoda and All In the Family/Maude/ Jeffersons.
And let me tell you something: This shit works! No pun intended. Just a couple of days of serving this to our 8 month old and blamo! I've been thinking about double-bagging her just in case she has an extra spoonful without me knowing it. The DEA and US customs should use this stuff to "unpack" the mules smuggling drugs into the country. Administer one jar and wait 2-3 hours.
This is not a blatant plug of a product. I am not an actor and I really do use this product at home. I was inspired to post on my blog because I just finished the cleanup of this product's aftermath. Use at your own risk.
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