Very appropriate title for Halloween. It's been a month since our stuff got to our place in Glendale. Well, almost all. It seems that the movers decided that we really did not need 3 physical checks and $8000. These bozos/thieves/good-for-nothings took these checks from 2 different check books and wrote themselves a couple of bonuses worthy of Wall Street (comparatively).
Luckily, I caught this and was able to get the bank to return the money to us, but the pure audacity of them doing this just pisses me off. Dealing with the bank was actually not that bad. I couldn't imagine saying this about Bank ofAmerica, but they provided good service in this aspect. I still have very little respect for BofA, but when it comes to fraud they know their shit.
I had to close my accounts and open new ones, get new checks, ATM cards, blah blah. And throughout I was glad that my bank was a national bank and I could visit any branch and take care of business. WRONG!!!
It seems that BofA is a loose federation of regional banks that operate under the BofA name. Which means that if you open an account in MA or NY you can't really close it in CA. The branch personnel are more than happy to call customer service for you tho'. I could have done that myself from home, in my underwear.
Remember when you opened a checking account and they had you fill out a signature card? They had me do that again for my new account!!! What's this for? Did anyone check my signature card when these crooks helped themselves to my money? Do you want to hear the response? "Well, no. Only if they come into this branch and try to cash a check." Are you fucking serious? What are the chances that someone is ging to steal a check and walk into the exact BofA branch that you opened your account?
With all the technology available to banks nowadays, you'd think they would scan my signature card and transmit it automatically to the screen of the teller that's about to hand over my money to a redneck from WV. But, Nooooooooo.
I coud go on and on about how these inept institutions are also getting a piece of my tax money because they are greedy little fuckers. Now I(we all) have to bail them out. Apparantly, the stupid monthly fees they charge me was wasted on their "investments" in CDS's or MBS's. Good going guys.
That's it for now, but I'll be back.
Mrs. Stern's Lamborghini Is For Sale
7 years ago